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Trees Radio – Listening to the sound of trees around us !

What sounds do the trees make in the city? How can we put words and colors to this silent living being that lives in our environment? How can we represent the sound worlds of the trees around us ?

Trees Radio proposes crossing the soundscape of our urban trees to put words and images on our daily sound universes. The workshop takes place in two stages, an outdoor period with a microphone, during which we will record the sounds of the trees, describe what we see, play in the sound space, and glean dead leaves and stray branches.

A second time indoors, where we will listen to the sounds collected to transform them, through our collective imagination into sensitive cartography, thanks to collage, drawing and writing.

This collective creation will enrich the evolving sound and visual notebook, RADIO ARBRES, of the Plonger project. Plonger is a project on and in trees that crosses territories by bike to offer a performance that combines aerial dance and sound creation.

  • For children aged 6 to 12 (FR)
  • Max. 10 participants
  • Coats, scarves and hats are recommended to enjoy listening outdoors !




Elsa Marchand Cormery – Cultural facilitator and production manager

Born in Guadeloupe, Elsa crossed the Atlantic to reach the Loire when she was 3 years old. She immersed herself in studies, crossing the worlds of publishing, literature research and cultural mediation. Montreal, Bordeaux, Paris, Marseille where his interests converge in learning and putting into practice cultural mediation of the arts. Sound creation serves as a tool, a field of experimentation and transmission in this discipline which she places at the service of life and poetry. She develops workshops for children, adolescents and adults around our perceptions of sound in environments. Since 2023, she has been traveling across France by bike with the Exuvie Company to record and broadcast the diversity of words, stories, intimate and collective struggles that shape our links to trees.

Louise Devillard – Sound designer

Born in the Tours region, Louise grew up with music with the practice of the transverse flute and singing at the Tours Conservatory. She moved to Paris to successively study literature, geography and then cinema. Today, Louise divides her time between the National Audiovisual Institute where she is a production assistant, France Culture where she produces various broadcasts and the Paris town hall centers where she runs sound workshops for children. She joined the traveling tour of the Plonger project of Compagnie Exuvie in August 2023 to bring her skills in sound creation.