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Hearing health and entertainment

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+32 479 89 16 27

Since 1970, the acoustic resources used by the entertainment industry have more than doubled-to the point that noise exposure at current music festivals has increased by 40dB compared to that at Woodstock.
Simultaneously, the rise and popularity of  headphones , earbuds etc..has also increasingly exposed our fellow citizens to greater levels of noise exposure, to the point that for several years now, health specialists have been confronted with a rise in cases of deafness and hearing loss that are fast becoming increasingly common and setting in earlier in the lives of individuals.

And yet noise pollution, due to ambient noise, has decreased significantly over the same period. To talk about it, we must first understand the vulnerability of our auditory system and then place the current sound context in relationship to this vulnerability.


Marie-Paule Thill is an ear surgeon, ENT doctor and until recently, head of the ENT department at Saint-Pierre University Hospital in Brussels.

Daniel Léon is a sound operator in the field of entertainment and musical recording since 1973 and a professor at INSAS since 1981.

Both have witnessed first-hand the catastrophic rise in noise levels in the entertainment field and the serious consequences this is having on the auditory health of our fellow citizens.