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RhizoRythme is a participatory and immersive sound installation, with the aim of highlighting the links that unite us, almost unnoticeably. It invites the audience to breathe their own rhythm through sensors, to then put on a headset and listen to the collective pulse of all participants. The individual signals are transformed into notes, musical  touches, textures and sound matters, and its synthesis is then sent to each headset. Each in a bubble, as close to the other as possible, become a joint polyphony. RhizoRythme wants to embody this living fabric and network that binds and forms society.  


Prosépin is a polydisciplinary artist who work mainly in the fields of audio composition and music  for film, radio and theatre. He divides his activities between his sound engineer’s quality, composer and his love of letters, through notes, news, and poems. His work, still in its beginning, is marked by this step, hesitant, constantly searching, wandering to  the sandstone of his aspirations, opportunities that arise, in pursuit of what he has never met.  This is also the case for his first installation, RhizoRythme.


Attention : Due to the annual staff day of the Royal museums of Art and History on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the MIM will exceptionally be closed to the public that day from 11.30 a.m.