The trio AME offers a concert at the heart of vibration and expression. A piano, a double bass, clarinets, a thousand ways to assemble sounds, to swap roles, to create atmospheres, images, to create poetry. When the bass clarinet dialogues with the double bass, we explore the deep, the magma, the foundations, we fly the next moment towards the chirping of finches, towards the ethereal, the celestial. Three musicians, three courses, instruments made of various woods, the reed, the bowed, plucked, percussed strings, the breath,… potentially a whole symphony orchestra. Mainly free improvisation, but also some compositions. The essence of listening, the art of the moment, of the here and now, of never again.
An almost motionless journey.
AME is the meeting of three musicians with a dense and varied background. The same desire to try to mix sounds, to explore all the possibilities of their instruments, to find freedom there. Eve Beuvens studied at the Brussels Jazz Conservatory, Marine Horbaczewski and Aurélie Charneux were marked by their time in Garrett List’s free improvisation class at the Liège Conservatory. The three of them compose, and take advantage of this evening of Sound Week to create this trio.