Conducting Emergency Rehearsal, a series of interactive sessions, Anna Kravets invites others to a shelter space as a preparation for thinking about emergency, what it does to our bodies and which types of responsibility it evokes, practically and emotionally. From 2022 onward, Anna has made a number of Emergency Rehearsals in different places. Eventually, it turned into a tool for mutual translation and acknowledgement of complicated experience, overcoming the gap of silence behind them. Called out in a time of war, those experiences are featured in her auto-ethnographic radio essay An Emotional Encyclopedia of War.
How to get around in the labyrinth of war, how to recover and rebuild after trauma and destruction, how to heal the landscape after ecocide are among the questions Anna asks today, gradually shifting her focus to studying emergency’s various facettes and emotional challenges.
Please bring several objects you would take before leaving home to a shelter. Imagine you have 10 minutes to collect them.
- Max. 30 participants