It’s not just in your mind, it’s a reality transmits a soundscape modulated by the voluptuous shape of its monumental acoustic diffuser. Placed directly on the ground, this work is part of the architecture, acting on it and with it as a collector, a transmitter and a transformer of space.
With its rounded, generously open contours, this installation invites us to hear the sound inscriptions of time accumulated in its material. Shaped like a reflector – a black mirror of sound – it returns us to the intimacy of a voice.
The voice emitted from the parabolic vent invites us to pause for a moment.
“Silenzio” it says. A moment. A pause. Resumption.
The random repetition has the effect of inscribing it in the territory, only to abandon it shortly afterwards.
This sonic impulse mediates perception and feeling in the space that welcomes it.
“Silenzio”. Again and again.
Silence our mad movement. Silence. Time. Resumption.
It asks the question of what we must bring to this earth if it is to survive us.
With this sound and visual proposition, we are confronted with a voice that emerges in a space of sounds, noises and movements, tinged by the before and after of silence.
Raymond Delepierre’s work is rooted in a singular approach to the act of listening, and particularly in the use of sound as a vector of form, architecture and the narration of spaces that lend themselves to the creation of listening devices, sound & visual installations. Using acoustic volumes and their reactive fields of diffusion in and around the auditory space, these in situ listenings explore and experiment with the singular sound and acoustic forms of a place, a temporality, a context.