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Noise variations

Listening session (work in progress)

Noise variations is a journey of sound and music, listening to the glaciers at the heart of the Arctic and our imaginations. Where the ice sings, cracks and roars. Where scientists dig, search, question and fail. Where the rest of the world echoes, amplifies and drips from the whispering ice.

During a scorching summer, Clovis, a passionate sound engineer, leaves the hustle and bustle of the city to join Ugo, his glaciologist friend, in Svalbard, the most northerly community in the world. He is going to witness the Mammamia expedition, which involves installing microphones under 350 meters of ice for the very first time, in order to listen to the singing of the glaciers.

Concert : Pak Yan Lau & Giovanni di Domenico


Clovis Tisserand is a sound engineer based in Rome.

Amelia Nanni is a filmmaker and drag artist based in Brussels. 

Her brother Ugo Nanni is a post-doctoral researcher in glaciology and seismology based in Oslo.

Pak Yan Lau & Giovanni di Domenico are an on-stage and off-stage duo of musicians.