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Passages ouverts – Ruelles sauvages

Start of the walk: at the corner of rue Saint-Nicolas and rue Ponty, Namur

End of the walk: We finish at Le Nid with a discussion in the presence of some of the women

who will be taking part in the walk.


We are all affected by public space, whether we occupy it, pass through it or transform it. This audio walk, punctuated by illustrations by Marine Bernard, invites you to explore public space through the experiences and perspectives of six women. Along the way, and through their unique experiences, we look at land-use planning, the challenges of accessibility for women with disabilities, discrimination against minorities, street harassment, fears, the need for green, creative and cultural spaces, and their impact on social ties.

It’s an opportunity to spark debate about our city, to deconstruct our prejudices, to dream of an inclusive and greener city, and to raise the profile of women’s artistic work in the public space…

A project run by Urbanisa’son in partnership with Marie-Astrid Lissoir and in collaboration with illustrator Marine Bernard.




Urbanisa’son uses sound creation to question, document and develop thinking around notions of territory and public space, as well as to collect, liberate and promote people’s real-life stories, with a particular focus on those who are invisible.
Marie-Astrid Lissoir is an activist, member and co-founder of the 8 Mars Namur collective, and is in charge of socio-cultural projects as part of a lifelong learning approach.
Marine Bernard is an illustrator from Namur who explores the world of images with a joyful dynamism, using subjects linked to the body, gender and relationships.