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Satellite liquido (language and memory of ice)

“Far from here, a disappearing language exists – that of the glaciers.
If we learn it now,
it will be preserved forever.” – Sara Maino

The composition Satellite liquido (language and memory of ice) blends sounds of Brussels’ fountains with a choir, recorded in the urban context, interpreting the noise of melting glaciers in Trentino. The project is inspired by the digital archive “Un suono in estinzione”.

The installation aims to make people aware of environmental issues and preserve the unique and endangered “language” of the Trentino glacier. Learning this “language” through participation marks a fresh start in how we relate to nature, helping us understand and care more. The participatory path in learning this language signifies a new beginning in the relationship between humanity and nature, fostering knowledge acquisition and awareness through the internalization of emotions.

The primary objective of the installation is twofold: to instill hope by deftly balancing concerns and celebrating the profound connection between the city of Brussels and the Trentino glaciers. This connection is highlighted by the shared liquid systems and unmediated human actions that bind these two locales, emphasizing a glocal perspective on environmental interdependence. Through this auditory journey, the installation draws attention to environmental issues and encourages a renewed appreciation for our relationship with nature. It underscores the delicate balance required to protect and celebrate the beauty of our natural world.


PERFORMANCE “Glacial onomatopoeias” : 28.01 (15:00)

On Sunday 28.01, a participative performance will take place in which Sara Maino, who has tried to transcode the sound of melting glaciers into a language of onomatopoeias, will teach this language to the audience. You will attempt to reproduce this language with the vocal ability of each participant and record it for future memory,


Sara Maino : Conception and direction sound recording, supporting visuals  / Lucie Mesuret : Sound recording, realization assistant / Enrico Pigozzi : Realization assistant, technical consulting / Giorgio Briani : Sonic analysis / In collaboration with : Children from the theatrical improvisation workshop of the Maison des cultures et de la cohésion sociale de Molenbeek Saint-Jean Circolo Trentino di Bruxelles / In scientific collaboration with : Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto, Commissione Glaciologica SAT / With the support of : Provincia Autonoma di Trento, UMSe Coesione territoriale e valorizzazione del capitale sociale trentino all’estero, Ufficio Partenariati internazionali e interventi all’estero



Sara Maino, an Italian multimedia artist, author, performer and director, was born in 1970.
She creates cultural and participatory art projects with the idea of using sound and attentive listening as activating mediums of deep social relationships between different generations.

Lucie Mesuret, a French radio director, was born in 1991 and creates works based on the memory of places and their disappearance. As part of this project, she is an assistant director and sound recordist.

Enrico Pigozzi, an Italian resident in Brussels, independent producer of experimental music straddling acoustic and electronic instruments. As a sound designer he has produced editions of classical, baroque and contemporary music, and curates the sound identity for festivals and chamber music ensembles.

Giorgio Briani, born in 1952, is an Italian architect and composer.